Khristine Brylle B. Mancao, Estela R. Dequito


This study aimed to determine the mediating effect of information literacy competence on the relationship between technology proficiency and self-generated computerized mind mapping of students from accredited programs in the University of Mindanao Professional Schools. Stratified random sampling was used which included 334 students as respondents. Three adapted instruments were used to gather the data from the respondents. The researcher personally supervised and administered the questionnaire to the respondents via email to ensure accuracy and prevent ambiguity. The tools used in analyzing the data were Mean, Pearson r, Regression Technique and Path Analysis. Results showed that students posted a very high level of technology proficiency, also a high level of self-generated computerized mind-mapping, and a very high level of information literacy competence. Findings also revealed that there is a significant relationship between technology proficiency and self-generated computerized mind mapping, technology proficiency and information literacy competence as well as information literacy competence and self-generated computerized mind mapping. There was a partial mediation on the effect of information literacy competence on the relationship between technology proficiency and self-generated computerized mind mapping. Therefore, information literacy competence is one of the reasons how technology proficiency can influence self-generated computerized mind mapping.


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library and information science, technology proficiency, self-generated computerized mind mapping, information literacy competence, multiple regression, mediation, Philippines

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