This study aimed to determine the mediating effect of information and communication technology learning on the relationship between social media usage and students' behavior from the Bachelor of Science and Technology program at the University of Mindanao. A stratified random sampling method was used, with 300 students serving as respondents. The results of a non-experimental quantitative mediation analysis using a validated questionnaire, mean, regression techniques, and Pearson r revealed a significant relationship between social media usage, behavior, and information and communication technology learning. Results of the study showed that students' level of social media usage was moderate. The study also revealed that students' level of information-seeking behavior was moderate. Further, there was a partial mediation on the effect of information and communication technology learning on the relationship between social media usage and information-seeking behavior. As a result, one of the reasons why social media usage can influence information-seeking behavior is information and communication technology learning. Nevertheless, it cannot wholly account for the relationship between the two variables.
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