Emine Yılmaz Bolat, Merve Koyuncu


This study aimed to examine the views and practices of preschool teachers about learning centres. Following this purpose, 36 preschool teachers who work in Mersin are examined. The research was carried out with phenomenology which is one of the qualitative research methods. In the research, the data were collected by semi-structured interview technique. The researchers utilised "Personal Data Form" and "Learning Centres Interview Form" prepared by receiving experts' opinions to collect data in the research. The findings obtained from individual interviews with teachers were analysed with the descriptive analysis technique. In the direction of the views of the teachers, it was concluded that the teachers have different learning centres in their classrooms, majority of the teachers find the learning centres sufficient, the range of the materials in some learning centres is insufficient. Besides, the learning centres preferred by the children was the most dramatic play centre. It was concluded that preschool teachers need support for the organisation and use of the learning centres. It was suggested that the teachers plan how the families can participate by encouraging them and getting support from the families and the institution while providing the materials. Therefore, the teachers support the children's development through different learning centres instead of a single learning centre. The teachers participate in in-service training to interact with children in learning centres.


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kindergarten, three-four years old children, preschool teacher, learning centres

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