This study is a descriptive study aimed at determining the attitudes of
primary school teachers towards playing games involving physical activity. The study environment constitutes primary school teachers who are teaching in the primary school as a teacher at the department of Gaziantep University in the Faculty of Education. In the sample group, there are 225 primary school teachers (55 male, 170 female). Casualty scale developed by Caspian (2015) was used in obtaining research
data. In the analysis of the data, independent t test, One Way ANOVA and Pearson correlation analysis were used. As a result of the research, it was found that the passion and risk taking attitudes of the male primary school teachers were higher than the female teachers in the study conducted in order to determine the attitudes of the primary school teachers towards playing games involving physical activity. The first level students had higher game passions than the other classroom levels. Compliance levels were found to be higher than subclasses. A positive correlation was found between the scores obtained from the scale subscales of both male and female teachers, when the general average score was determined to be higher for game passions and game requests.
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