K. Kustyarini, Sri Utami, Etty Umamy, Tri Setyo Wijining Ati


This research is motivated by learning Indonesian in conventional schools. Observations show the minimal use of learning media at MTs Ar-Roudhoh Jabung, Indonesia. This is what underlies the researcher to determine the effectiveness of using question card-based learning media with exposition text material for class VIII. The research method used is a pre-experimental design with one group pretest-posttest design. The research location is MTs Ar-Roudhoh Jabung. Collecting data was done by using a validation questionnaire for media expert lecturers, material expert lecturers, linguists, and class VIII students. The research instrument consists of five aspects, namely aspects of content feasibility, presentation aspects, graphic aspects, language aspects, and learning design aspects. The results of this study are: (a) The validity and effectiveness of the media have been well tested. Expert validation test results: (1) Media Experts are 91.25% with "Valid" criteria; (2) Material Expert by 94.4% with "Valid" criteria; (3) linguists 98.75% with "Valid" criteria; (4) Students are 96.22% with "Valid" criteria. (b) Student learning outcomes show that student scores have increased and meet the minimum final score of KKM (Minimum Completeness Criteria). Thus, the results of the validation of the four respondents indicate that the question card-based learning media is effectively used for learning exposition texts for class VIII MTs students. To improve student motivation and learning outcomes, Indonesian language teachers should be able to develop learning media in terms of more complete material. The material presented does not only contain exposition text material, but can be developed with other materials in class VIII learning. Teachers pay attention to the learning model used when implementing learning media and schools should further improve facilities for the use of learning media.


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learning media, question cards, exposition text

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejes.v9i4.4246


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Copyright (c) 2022 K. Kustyarini, Sri Utami, Etty Umamy, Tri Setyo Wijining Ati

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