E. Özlem Yiğit


The aim of this research was to determine pre-service social studies teachers’ knowledge and perceptions both towards their national identity and neighbour countries of Turkey. Based on qualitative research methodology, participants consisted of 73 pre-service social studies teachers at a university located in the western part of Turkey. The selection of pre-service teachers was based on purposeful sampling with no gender-specific selection. A questionnaire was developed based on qualitative means which included open-ended questions regarding the pre-service social studies teachers’ perceptions of both national identity and neighbour states of Turkey. They also created metaphors for those countries. In conclusion, it is seen that for Turkish pre-service social studies teachers being a Turkish citizen equalled kinship, loyalty to historical heritage, patriotism and duties towards own nation. In the case of neighbour countries, they could present less knowledge about those countries.


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national identity, neighbour country, social studies, pre-service social studies teachers

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