Grace Chinyere Nnadi, Benedicta I. Nnodum, Chima Ify, Chigbu Francisca Eberechukwu, H. E. Uzoekwe


The purpose of this study was to investigate the emotional intelligence as correlates of job commitment in secondary schools in Enugu State, Nigeria. The research design adopted for this study was correlational design. Three research questions and a hypothesis guided the study. The population for the study consisted of all 69 school counsellors currently serving in the 194 public schools in Nsukka, Enugu and Awgu Education Zones. Researchers designed questionnaires were used for the data collected. The instruments were face validated by three experts one in measurement and evaluation, and the remaining two from Guidance and Counselling all from the Faculty of Education, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka. The result of the analysis yielded a reliability coefficient of 0.73 for SSCEIQ and 0.83 for SSCJCQ and an overall reliability coefficient of 0.78. The data collected for the study were analysed using Pearson’s correlation analysis at the significance level of 0.05 and to test the hypothesis, the data collected were subjected to a simple linear regression model to regress counsellors’ responses. The data analysed indicates the following; the relationship between emotional intelligence and job commitment of secondary school counsellors is a very high positive relationship, the relationship between gender and job commitment of secondary school counsellors is a very low positive relationship, and the relationship between emotional intelligence and gender and job commitment of secondary school counsellors is a very high positive relationship. There is a significant relationship between emotional intelligence and job commitment of secondary school counsellors. Based on the findings, it was recommended among others, that all education stakeholders and relevant counselling preparatory institutes should work towards improving emotional intelligence abilities and capabilities so as to enhance the job commitment of counsellors.


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counsellors, emotional intelligence, job commitment, secondary school

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Copyright (c) 2022 Grace Chinyere Nnadi, Benedicta I. Nnodum, Chima Ify, Chigbu Francisca Eberechukwu, H. E. Uzoekwe

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