Norhayati Mohd Zain, Nur Anis Izzati Che Mut, Medina Marzhuki, Siti Hajar Norhan


COVID-19 pandemic has driven the education system to shift from face-to-face learning to a home learning system through online learning. This sudden change has worried teachers, parents and students all over the world. Various studies have been done to study the implementation of online learning, however, there are a little number of studies among school teachers, especially in Malaysia. Thus, this study aimed to explore teachers’ perspectives on the challenges of home learning and their commendations. A qualitative study was conducted through online interview sessions among 20 teachers in Seremban District, Negeri Sembilan from October 2020 until February 2021. Researchers verified the data by repeatedly listening to the audio recording, and transcriptions, reading and re-reading the transcripts. It will be coded into themes and subthemes based on the similarities of the content to assess the challenges and recommendations of online learning. Most of the respondents agreed that the adaptability to change to online learning, infrastructural such as the internet and corporation from students and parents is the challenges faced during learning from home. More interactive methods were suggested in ensuring effective online learning which will further motivate students to be engaged in learning from home. These strategies can be adopted for future sessions to ensure every student is able to gain equal education in any situation.


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home learning; COVID-19; teachers; challenges

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejes.v9i6.4306


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