Cao Hoang Yen


Evaluating coursebooks has always been an important process affecting the selection and implementation of coursebooks. The coursebook evaluation can be conducted before, while and after a coursebook is employed for a specific course. While the benefits of coursebook evaluation are recognized, recently published coursebooks are not evaluated properly in some contexts. The present study was designed to gain college students’ evaluation of a new coursebook recently used for their general English course and their recommendations for the editorial board. The findings led to the conclusion that the students shared positive perceptions of the book in general (M=4.17). Importantly, the students highly appreciated specific aspects of the book such as the design, the layout, the presented language and skills, the activities and cultural aspects as well. The study also provided students’ recommendations which the editorial board could take into consideration to improve the coursebook.


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coursebook, general English course, evaluation, students’ perceptions

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