Dwi Laksmi Danisworo, Muhammad Nur Wangid


This aims to discover the influence of family harmony and emotional regulation ability on the juvenile delinquency of public senior high school students in the region of Ekskotip Cilacap (former sub-districts-level region of Cilacap). The implemented types of study are ex post facto with correlational design. The population of the study is public senior high school students in the region of Ekskotip Cilacap with 320 students as the sample chosen by implementing the proportionate stratified random sampling technique. The implemented data collection instruments are the juvenile delinquency scale, family harmony scale, and emotional regulation ability scale. The results of the study show that: (1) there is an influence between family harmony on juvenile delinquency (R = 0.476; p < 0.05; t(-9.657) < -1.967); (2) there is an influence between emotional regulation ability on juvenile delinquency (R=0.369; t(-7.074) < -1.967; p < 0.005); (3) there is an influence between family harmony and emotional regulation ability on juvenile delinquency (R = 0.513; p < 0.005; F(56.704) > 3.024). The significant influence of family harmony and emotional regulation ability on juvenile delinquency is shown by the effective contribution of 26.3%. This study suggests that as a mean to prevent juvenile delinquency, it can be done by providing informational service on the effects of juvenile delinquency and service on content mastery about methods of emotional regulation as well as how the children participation in maintaining the family harmony.


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family harmony; emotional regulation; juvenile delinquency

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