Ilmi Nawawi, Fahrul Arfandi M. Nur, Muhammad Nur Wangid


The main problem in this research is that students engage in promiscuous behavior such as smoking, storing pornographic contents on their handphones, drinking, and drug abuse. The main objective of this research is to explain the implementation of group guidance service with homeroom technique in reducing promiscuous behaviors among students of SMP Negeri 3 Palu. The research sample was eight people, and the research instrument was questionnaires on promiscuous behaviors. The collected data were analyzed descriptively and inferentially. The results of the descriptive analysis indicated that before attending the group guidance service with the homeroom technique, the level of promiscuous behaviors engaged by students are eight students (AS, ZA, IRH, MF, MH, AN, MI, and N) at a moderate level. After attending group guidance service sessions, there is no student at high or medium levels, 2 students (IRH and MF) at a low level, and six students (AS, ZA, MH, AN, MI, and N) at a very low level. The students' promiscuous behavior level after attending the group guidance service with the homeroom technique is lower than before attending the group guidance service sessions. Therefore, it can be concluded that group guidance service with homeroom technique is effective in reducing promiscuous behavior among the students of SMP Negeri 3 Palu.


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promiscuous behavior, group guidance services, homeroom technique, guidance, counselling

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