Derrick Simpokolwe, Rachel Mabuku Kabeta


This study examined the academic performance of the newly upgraded rural secondary schools in Mumbwa District of Central Province in Zambia. The study had a total of 90 participants. The study employed both qualitative and quantitative methods as a descriptive survey. Questionnaires and interview schedules were used. The findings of the study revealed that the upgraded rural secondary schools had poor learning and teaching environments due to shortage of classroom space, facilities such as libraries and science laboratories. Apart from that, the study revealed that these rural upgraded secondary schools lacked adequate teaching and learning materials coupled with inadequate and under-qualified teaching staff which contributed greatly to the poor performance of learners in these schools. The study revealed that the academic performance of pupils in the three years was below 50% pass rate. The study recommends that the Ministry of General Education and other stakeholders should build more infrastructure and improve the existing ones in these upgraded rural secondary schools. Apart from that, the Ministry of General Education should provide adequate and prescribed teaching and learning materials to these schools to avoid teaching learners using outdated materials which may be contributing to poor performance. Further, the Ministry of General Education should send more qualified teachers to these upgraded rural secondary schools. This would improve the performance of learners and hence meet the aspiration of the Ministry of General Education for all learners both in urban and rural secondary schools.


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academic performance, upgraded rural secondary schools, teaching environment, secondary education, classroom space

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejes.v9i6.4352


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