Charles Dickens Serunjogi


The study focused on school inspection and managerial effectiveness in government-aided primary schools in Wabinyonyi sub-county and Nakasongola Town Council in Nakasongola district, Uganda. Two study objectives guided the study thus; (i) To assess the efficacy of school inspection in Wabinyonyi sub-county and Nakasongola Town Council (ii) To examine the influence of school inspection on school effectiveness in Wabinyonyi sub-county and Nakasongola Town Council. A descriptive study design using a mixed-methods approach was employed. The study population comprised of headteachers and teachers from the 19 government-aided primary schools in Wabinyonyi sub-county and Nakasongola Town Council plus the inspectors of schools at the district headquarters. The study sample included 19 headteachers, 154 teachers and 2 school inspectors. The school inspectors and headteachers were selected purposively while the teachers were selected using a simple random technique. To collect quantitative data, closed-ended questionnaires were administered to teachers. Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) and interview guides were employed to collect data from headteachers and school inspectors respectively. Quantitative data were presented using descriptive statistics while content and thematic analysis techniques were used to analyse qualitative data. Results revealed that inspection efficacy was rated to be good in some quality indicators as evidenced by the ability of the inspectors to assess the appropriateness of teaching/learning, the effective assessment of teacher preparedness and planning, and the effective assessment of reports on the quality of school facilities. The inadequacies in school inspection included inspectors’ lack of in-depth knowledge of specific subjects and the inability by the inspectors to mentor headteachers in leadership. The study also revealed that school inspection had a significant influence on school effectiveness and this was manifested in the improvement in the teaching and learning process, improvement in the level of teacher preparedness/planning and improvement in the utilization of school resources.


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