This study investigates parents' challenges and their child's academic performance in science in modular distance learning. It also tests the significant difference between parents’ challenges to their profile variables and their child’s academic performance. In this descriptive-survey research design, data were gathered from 318 parents of secondary students in public secondary schools situated on the island using convenience sampling. Gathered data were systematically treated and analyzed using frequency, percentage count, mean, standard deviation, one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA), and Pearson-r correlation. Findings revealed that individual-related challenges such as finances, supervision of child's studies, and poor teaching skills were the most significant challenges parents experienced in implementing modular learning. Parents disagreed that instructional and institutional challenges affect them in modular distance learning. The respondents' children performed satisfactorily in science during the first and second quarters of the school year. There was a moderately significant relationship between individual-related and instructional-related challenges. However, a weak significant relationship is surfaced between parents' institutional-related challenges and their child's academic performance. No significant difference was observed regarding individual-related, instructional-related, and institutional-related challenges when grouped according to their profile variables. The study concluded that modular distance learning contributed fairly and minimally to students' science performance brought about by continued social and academic adjustment. School and parents' involvement in implementing modular learning is essential for improving the modality.
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