The impact of IR 4.0 has initiated a new paradigm shift for Greek educational institutions to ensure that all teachers are able to develop new teaching practices related to digital technologies. However, the majority of teachers use traditional teaching methods. Measures are needed to encourage teachers to acquire digital skills and integrate them into the educational process. Knowledge management processes can be used as an alternative strategy by schools to help teachers equip themselves with new skills and to meet the challenges ahead. Therefore, the aim of this study is to investigate whether knowledge management processes can be used as an alternative strategy by schools to equip teachers with the necessary digital skills. Hence, the four knowledge processes-acquisition, storage, distribution, and use-were related to teachers' digital skills. To this end, a quantitative study was conducted with a sample of 668 secondary school teachers from the Epirus region of Greece and analyzed using Partial Least Square Structural Path-Modeling (PLS-PM). The research results showed that knowledge management processes have a positive impact on teachers' digital skills.
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