Margaret Foluso Ayeni, Peter Olubunmi Olugbuyi


The process by which one generation's wisdom, information, and skills are handed on to the next is known as education and training. Mobile learning (M-Learning) uses mobile devices such as handheld and tablet computers, mp3 players, smart phones, and mobile phones to support the learning process. These cutting-edge technological devices have revolutionised education by allowing students to learn while moving, making the learning experience more engaging, entertaining, and motivating. This has provided people all around the world with a complete means of transmitting and sharing information. Science is both a process and a body of knowledge, and students learn science by participating in both the content and the methodology. This study investigates the use of mobile learning in the teaching of science sustainable development. Also, it examines the concept of mobile learning, its relevance in the teaching of science, challenges of M-Learning. It concludes by recommending provision of M-learning gadgets such as mobile phones, smartphones, laptops, iPods etc., for collaborative and personal learning at their convenient time which will bring about improvement in learning and teaching of science.


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mobile learning, teaching science, mobile technologies

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejes.v9i5.4386


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