Background: Heads of schools make decisions on a daily basis that determine the extent to which curriculum is implemented. Those daily decisions, in a big extent, determine a school's success or failure in the curriculum implementation process. Objectives: The focus of this research was to find out what education stakeholders in the Tabora region thought about strategies for improving decision-making in Tanzania's community-based secondary schools. Methodology: Quantitative approach and survey research designs were used in the study. The information was gathered from 140 people using a questionnaire research tool. Heads of secondary schools, teachers, parents, Quality Assurers (QA) and District Education Officers (DEO) are among the respondents. Findings: The study findings found participatory decision-making procedures, adherence to the country’s education and training policy and having an effective mentorship and pedagogical leadership programmes in schools as the main strategies to follow in order to improve decision-making in schools. The collected findings confirm the claim of the study's informant, a decision-making theory, making the important proclamation that for decision-making procedures to be effective, they must proceed step-by-step and involve a range of essential stakeholders from the outset to the conclusion. Recommendations: The study recommended that heads of schools should adopt a participatory decision-making process, adhere to Tanzania's education and training policy standards, and establish effective mentorship and pedagogical leadership programmes in schools.
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