This study explored the effective teaching practices in higher education with special reference to the 21st century. The study aimed to achieve the following objective: to explore the effective teaching practices of 21st-century teachers in higher education. The study employed a qualitative case study to understand the teachers’ views on the topic under investigation. In order to avoid the study from appearing out of a vacuum, the study adopted a theoretical framework. The theory of Constructivism was adopted in this study. The sample of the study constituted of 5 teachers who were selected based on convenience and purpose. These teachers were selected from 5 of 10 departments within the School of Humanities and Social Sciences. Semi-structured interview questions were also constructed and administered telephonically to the teachers. This is because it was impossible to conduct face-to-face interviews as part of restrictions brought by the Covid-19 pandemic. The data were analysed thematically. The findings of the study revealed that some of the practices of highly effective teachers in the 21st century were; the ability to integrate technology in the teaching-learning process, incorporation of a learner-centred approach, acknowledgement of individual differences and creation of a positive learning environment. The study, therefore, concluded that if all these teaching practices commended by teachers at Tezpur University can be emulated by other institutions, then the entire education system in India will improve.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejes.v9i7.4389
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