Romeo Jr., V. Bordios, Nikko R. Astroquillo, Melody A. Cadangin, Baihanan E. Dubpaleg, Blezy Joy Y. Elardo, Isah Jane O. Gellado


The study aimed to determine the perceived challenges and satisfaction levels of Bachelor of Elementary Education in online distance learning. The descriptive-correlational design was used in this study. The investigations were conducted at Notre Dame of Midsayap College on fifty (50) BEED students who are enrolled in online distance learning for School Year 2021-2022 and the majority of them were female students. A researcher-modified survey questionnaire was used in data gathering, Frequency and percentage distribution, mean and standard deviation, t-test and ANOVA, and Pearson-r correlation were used in treating the data. The study revealed that the students have challenges in online distance learning. The study found out that the highest challenges encountered by the students in online distance learning are slow internet connection due to their location and facing many interruptions when learning at home such as household chores and other errands. The students are highly satisfied with how teachers showed interest in helping students to learn and the teacher’s accessibility and availability. Moreover, the respondents are least satisfied with how timely teachers give feedback on their performance. The study also revealed that there was a significant difference in the satisfaction level of the students in terms of their sex.


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perceived challenges, satisfaction, education, online distance learning

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Copyright (c) 2022 Romeo Jr., V. Bordios, Nikko R. Astroquillo, Melody A. Cadangin, Baihanan E. Dubpaleg, Blezy Joy Y. Elardo, Isah Jane O. Gellado

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