Erhan Şengel, Niyazi Aktaş


Due to the current Covid-19 pandemic, the physical conditions of learning environments and the measures taken within the scope of combating the epidemic have made blended teaching practices, including distance education, much more important. With this study, it is aimed to shed light on the opinions and experiences of the academicians, who are thought to have a higher assumption of experiencing the blended teaching method, regarding the use of the blended method at the higher education level during the Covid-19 pandemic. In this study, a mixed research methodology was adopted in which quantitative and qualitative data were used together by using a convenient sampling method. In this context, the data collection tool was shared with the academicians via the LinkedIn network. 58 academicians from 16 universities participated in the research. Descriptive statistics (frequency, percentage and mean) were used in the analysis of Likert-type quantitative questions, and content analysis was used in the analysis of qualitative data. According to the findings of the study, academics who stated that they could possibly teach with the blended method in the future stated that their educational experience in blended courses was better than in face-to-face courses without any web component. On the other hand, academics mostly stated that the amount of interaction in blended courses is lower than in face-to-face courses. Together with these findings, it is understood that academicians perceive the quality of interaction in blended courses as similar to the quality of interaction in face-to-face courses. According to academics, the most positive aspects of using the blended method in lessons are the use of technological opportunities, flexibility of space, flexibility of time and equality of opportunity. The most negative aspects of using the blended method are attendance problems, lack of communication, infrastructure problems and technological inadequacies and workload. It is understood that the materials, tools or technologies that academicians use most in blended courses are need-oriented trainings (web 2.0, web, innovation, technique, etc.), video and audio peripherals, online content, virtual reality technology and a powerful computer. Although some of the academicians stated that their experiences in blended courses affected their face-to-face courses, almost half of them stated that their blended course experiences did not affect their face-to-face courses. These results may guide both present and future policies and procedures for blended learning in general.


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Covid-19, blended learning, higher education, scholar perception, factors and challenges

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