Renata Teófilo de Sousa, Francisco Régis Vieira Alves, Maria José Araújo Souza


The aim of this work is to present the vision of the mathematics teacher about Didactic Transposition in the discipline of mathematics, pointing out their perceptions and various ways of working in two moments, one in the remote modality and another in the return to classroom teaching. To this end, we used a qualitative-qualitative methodology, in which fifteen mathematics teachers from the city of Sobral, Ceará, Brazil participated in the research, sharing their experiences through two virtual forms, answering some questions in two different periods – August/2021 and July/2022. The data provided us with information to reflect on the subject, verifying the main obstacles faced during and after the period of social isolation, as well as the good practices experienced and prospects for a post-pandemic scenario. Based on the answers and experiences shared by the research subjects, we understand that there were advantages in carrying out the Didactic Transposition of contents in the remote scenario, such as the possibility of using more than one technological resource during a teaching session, the dynamism that the use of different games and applications can provide, among other possibilities. However, negative aspects were also pointed out, such as difficulties in obtaining positive feedback, student participation and motivation, difficulties in handling technology in some cases or even reconciling work routine and activities in the home environment, negatively impacting teaching work. In addition, there is a perspective that face-to-face feedback brings the imperative of change, both in the format of classes and teaching methodologies, and in the professional attitude of the mathematics teacher.


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mathematics teaching; didactics of mathematics; emergency remote teaching; post-pandemic

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