Charles Too, James Kimeli Sang, Rose Kanana Njage


Universities are taken to have multiple transitions in terms of culture, content (what is taught), environment, inter, and intra-personal relationships. As a result, the transition of students to university is an important aspect that should be examined because despite the expansion of secondary schools and institutions of higher learning in sub–Saharan Africa, the throughput rate is still very low, especially in terms of the skills and competences among the graduates. This study, therefore, sought to establish the influence of peer support on students’ preparedness for secondary-university transition. The study took a pragmatist philosophical view whereby mixed methods research design was used to generate data using a concurrent triangulation approach. Purposive sampling was applied to sample first-year students at Moi University and proportionate simple random sampling was used to select 375 respondents comprising of both male and female students. Data was collected quantitatively and qualitatively whereby questionnaires and focused group discussions were used respectively. Quantitative data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, Pearson’ Correlation Coefficient and simple linear regression. The findings of this study revealed that although the majority of first-year students consulted continuing senior students and friends for guidance in transition to university, some ended up being misled especially on academics and social life. The results showed that peer support (PS) had a positive significant relationship (r =.740) with students’ level of preparedness (LP) at p<.05). The regression results gave a coefficient determination of R2=.657 which means 65.7% of the variation in the level of preparedness (LP) can be explained by peer support (PS) and therefore, the null hypothesis (H0) was safely rejected. This study provides new and relevant insights into the literature on peer support and the transition of students from secondary to universities in Kenya.


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peer support, students’ level of preparedness, secondary-university transition

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