This study was conducted to find out if classroom teachers’ attitudes towards life science teaching differ according to gender, teaching experience, and school location where they work. The study was carried out in Serinhisar and Acıpayam districts of Denizli in the 2021-2022 academic year. The data collection tools of the study were "The Life Science Teaching Attitude Scale" developed by Sarıkaya, Özgöl and Yılar (2017) and "Personal Information Form" designed by the researcher. According to the results obtained in the study, no significant difference was found in the classroom teachers’ attitude scores in the "loving" and "caring" subscales and their life science teaching total attitude scores. As a result of the analysis performed in terms of different variables (gender, teaching experience, school location where teachers work), no significant difference was found. In the findings, there was a significant difference only in the "appreciation" subscale scores according to the variables including gender, teaching experience and school location where teachers work. In the study, it was found that the classroom teachers' attitudes towards life science teaching were at a high level and no difference was found in the subscales of "loving" and "caring" among the attitude subscales. A significant difference was found only in the "appreciation" subscale.
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