This study researched the effect of interactive computer programs and visual materials on the success and retention of physics lesson. Inclined projectile motion was selected as the subject. While the lessons were taught with interactive physics, various visual computer programs and the support of computer in the experimental group, they were taught according to the conventional teaching method in the control group. As a consequence, it was aimed to compare the effect of these two applications upon the academic success and retention of learning. The sample of the study was consisted of 84 students receiving education at a secondary school in Ankara. Pretest-posttest experimental design with control group was used in the study. According to the t-test results of independent groups that were performed on experimental and control groups after teaching, it was concluded that the teaching, which was performed on the experimental group with interactive computer programs and visual materials, were more successful compared to the teaching, which was performed on the control group with conventional methods. At the end of the study, the required suggestions were presented according to the data obtained from applications, which were performed with interactive computer programs and visual materials.
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