Studies have shown that first-year medical students, experience psychological stress and, in some cases, mental illness due to new environments and stressful study regimes of the medical universities. An experimental study was conducted on first and next (2-3) year medical students of both genders. In the acute stress-recognized virtual model, participants were exposed to two increasing complexity visual tasks. Some derivative indices: correct answers in percent (CA%), reaction sustainability (RS), and functional ability level (FAL) were calculated based on the reaction time measures during simple and complex sensorimotor reactions (SSMRT, CSMRT). For statistical analysis ANOVA and Bonferroni correction t-test was used. No significant differences were found in mental activity between the two genders in 2-3 year medical students, except for CA% in the males' group during CSMRT which indicates that males concentrate well; There were significant differences in parameters of SSMRT (RS; CA%) and CSMRT (RS; FAL; CA%) between first-year males and females; Significant differences were found also in parameters of SSMRT (RS; CA%) and CSMRT (FAL; CA%) between first and next-year medical students in the females' group and no significant differences between first and next-year medical students in males group. Seems independent of gender, in 2-3 year medical students the sensorimotor and cognitive abilities are almost the same. The better mental performance parameters in the male group of first-year students can be explained only by the presence of certain stress in the female group, which can be related to the difficulty adapting to new environments and stressful learning regimes. In addition, male students are able to concentrate better compared to females on acute visual stress. Our results contribute to a better understanding of the psychophysiology of mental activity and further demonstrate how a virtual model can be used to investigate acute cognitive stress effects.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejes.v9i8.4438
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