Najib Slimani, Tarik Aatta


Nowadays, scholars and researchers adhere to the prominent role information and communication technologies (ICT) play in education, particularly in language teaching. The International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) has developed a set of standards that provide a framework for developing digital competencies among educators, students, administrators, coaches, and computer science teachers. In light of ISTE standards for educators, the present paper probes the roles teachers play with special reference to the designer and facilitator standards. The target population are EFL Moroccan high school teachers who work in the private sector in the Directorate of Marrakesh, Morocco. Through a quantitative analysis, findings indicate that the teachers in question generally fulfill their roles as ICT designers and facilitators. They adopt technology as a buttressing tool to install a learning-favorite environment. Plainly enough, they use technology-enhanced activities that promote student-centered learning. To a lesser degree, they facilitate collaborative learning and encourage the students to act globally by getting them engaged with the real world through technology. Likewise, this study discloses the existence of a symmetrical relationship between the mastery of internet/computer skills and the use-effectiveness of ICT tools, such as the interactive board and the data shown. In this respect, this study accentuates how adequate training and professional development-bound upskilling can truly promote the target EFL teachers’ digital competencies and help them live up to their roles as ICT designers and facilitators.


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information and communication technologies, the International Society for Technology in Education, Moroccan EFL high school teachers, designers, facilitators

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejes.v9i10.4495


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