Gerasimos Antypas


In recent decades, the quality of education has been a matter of priority for educational systems in the European as well as in the wider international environment. It is a common feeling that the vast majority of teachers consider that they were not adequately and properly prepared during their studies in Hellenic Universities to fully perform the work of a teacher. In Hellenic universities, there are no organized training programs at any stage of the teachers' careers, except for the Pedagogical Schools where education is their primary subject. In this work, the identification and investigation of the educational needs of the teachers (scientific and laboratory assistants) of the Department of Mechanical Engineering of Technological Educational Institution of Patras, on a cognitive-academic level, a pedagogical level and a level of use - integration of new technologies in teaching, aiming to provide quality education. Also, the intention and motivations of the teachers of the department for training at all levels with the aim of their professional development are investigated. From the findings of the research, it emerged that there is a high desire for the training of young age mainly teachers with little professional and teaching experience, in a subject mainly cognitive and pedagogical and with training hours up to 50 hours, to acquire new knowledge and skills.


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quality in education, teacher training in universities

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