Nelson Otieno Onyango, Julius Otieno Gogo, James Ochieng Sika


The supply of TVET education refers to the amount of education that the stakeholders are willing to supply to its people. The relevance of the supply of TVET education must transform into labour market, which enables people, to renew old skills and develop new ones. The supply of TVET education has been increasing rapidly in relation to meagre resources. The enrollment has been doubling in every five years which is the fastest rate of increase in the world. This has been prompted by the economic growth in respective African countries which needs TVET education. The question is: what are the challenges facing this sector in terms of infrastructure, teachers, students and programmes? The study adopted a descriptive research survey paradigm and the theoretical perspectives are guided by the law of supply of education. The results of the study show that the supply of infrastructure, teachers, students and programmes is inadequate. For example, the adequacy of the training facilities has a mean of 3.175 and a standard deviation of 1.022 also the average score of the respondents’ views on the adequacy of teachers in the departments have a mean of 2.93 and a standard deviation of 1.334 while there is an upward trend in the supply of students. The main challenges were: Inability to pay college fees; Poor entry behavior; Market demand; Negative attitude; Inadequate training facilities; Inadequate teaching staff. The study concluded that the supply of science and technology education in Nyanza region of Kenya remains a serious challenge. The study recommended that all stakeholders should increase their participation in marketing the supply of TVET programs for the benefit of the local communities.


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education; infrastructure; science; supply of education; technology; TVET

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