Tran Ha Khanh Doan, Lam Thi Ngoc Trang, Nguyen Thi Le Thanh, Luu Ngoc Thanh Vy, Nguyen Kim Ngan, Bui Minh Chau, Le Thanh Thao


In Vietnam, scientific research is no longer just the work of scientists, graduate students, scholars, or lecturers; tertiary students are also encouraged to conduct scientific research. Therefore, the scientific research work of students receives more attention from educators. The research on carrying out scientific research of students is also therefore increasing. However, researchers do not seem to have paid enough attention to the role of supervisors during the supervision process. The evidence is that there are few studies on supervisors in Vietnam. Therefore, this study was conducted to learn about the role of supervisors from the student's perspective and expectations. Specifically, this study was conducted quantitatively with the use of a questionnaire consisting of 49 questions with a 5-point Likert scale. A total of 100 English-major students at a university in Southwest Vietnam participated in this study by answering the questionnaire. The results from the questionnaire show that students had high expectations from their supervisors. Specifically, students expect their supervisor to be someone who respects their opinions, has good scientific research knowledge, can give constructive comments, and is always willing to help them when needed. Based on research findings, supervisors are encouraged to participate in professional development training related to scientific research to improve their research knowledge and skills. Along with that, supervisors need to be aware of their role during the process of guiding students to do scientific research.


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Vietnamese student researchers, expectation, supervisors, supervision process

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Copyright (c) 2022 Tran Ha Khanh Doan, Lam Thi Ngoc Trang, Nguyen Thi Le Thanh, Luu Ngoc Thanh Vy, Nguyen Kim Ngan, Bui Minh Chau, Le Thanh Thao

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