Desiree Joy B. Agripa, Susan F. Astillero


This paper aimed to develop an Attendance System using a QR code which provided an easier and more efficient way of managing the employees’ attendance records. This is a system in which the generated report was generated on a QR code. This study utilized the Rational Unified Process (RUP) method, a software engineering process that was designed with the aim of providing real-time analysis of development projects, to analyze the processes of the system. The phases - inception, elaboration, construction and transition - were also utilized in the development process of the system. A descriptive method was also employed to evaluate the system. QR Codes was generated and assigned to each of the employees of Sorsogon State University, Castilla Campus, who have alternative work-from-home schedule. Each of the employees scanned into the system the assigned QR code in order to confirm their attendance. Findings revealed that retrieval of basic information of employees, creating of travel orders, automation of computation of available leave credits and utilizing attendance using QR codes and generation of reports became more accessible, cost-effective and reduced the occurrences of errors. Also, based on the evaluation conducted, QR code as an attendance monitoring system generally met the acceptable expectation in terms of functionality, reliability, efficiency, accuracy, usability, maintainability and portability. It was concluded that the developed system was a user-friendly, efficient, cost-effective and adaptable solution for keeping track of employees’ attendance through contactless transactions without sacrificing the reliability and accuracy of the attendance reports.


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attendance system, Quick Response (QR) code, attendance record, cost-effective

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