The writers were concerned by the phonological challenges encountered by students of the Schools of Foreign Languages, Can Tho University. Foreign language majors are often difficult, and theory is quite tackled, which has caused many serious problems for students. This is no exception for students majoring in English Studies, at Can Tho University in the process of approaching the subject "Introduction to English Phonology". This study was conducted to clarify the phonological challenges that students at Can Tho University are facing, as well as suggest solutions to the problem of phonology learners. Using data from Google Questionnaire Forms, the research conducted an error analysis of 103 English majors who studied the subject. Based on the phonological problems, certain remedial activities were planned for the students, which helped improve their study process phonological problems considerably.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Nguyen Thi Truc Van, Ha Nguyen Kim Ngan, Tran Thi Xuan Huong, Pham Phong Thuan, Do Thanh Nhan

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