Currently, interpreting has become a profession in high demand. This study surveyed students' perceptions of the essential self-training skills to become an interpreter. The study used a questionnaire to collect data collection tool which was a survey with 12 multiple-choice questions and 4 open-ended questions. 82 English–majoring students of High-quality program Batch 45 – at Can Tho University participated in the survey. The results show that students majoring in High-quality English Language perceive the importance of skills in interpreting: shorthand skills, listening comprehension skills, memorization skills, visualization skills, presentation skills, skills in using search engines, teamwork skills, multi-tasking skills, and pronunciation skills. Students also pointed out a number of skills that they think are equally important if they want to become an interpreter such as reflexes, situational skills, and contextual skills. On that basis, a number of measures of how to support students to develop their own training plans and hone their skills for their future careers are proposed.
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