Jeevanithya Krishnan


Universities and higher education institutions are important organizational units in our country. Higher education is the platform where young adults prepare themselves with knowledge and skills for the work field. A healthy working environment is essential to encourage lecturers to provide a good quality of education for future working adults. Lecturer well-being is a key factor that supports a good education system. Lecturer well-being has been a topic that gain much attention in recent times, especially during the last few years, when the education system has transformed drastically to accommodate the changes that occurred during the Coved-19 pandemic. Psychological well-being is a function of positive and negative emotions (Bradburn and Caplovitz, 1965). Positive emotions have been found to lead to positive thoughts and behaviours. Positive emotions increase cognitive abilities (Fredrickson and Joiner, 2002). This case study is intended to determine the positive and negative contributing factors to lecturers’ psychological well-being, in the context of teaching motivation and mental health in the workplace. The qualitative research study was conducted among three lecturers working in a private university in Malaysia. Research findings suggest that teaching innovations, number of years of teaching experience, facilities and working environment, and relationships with co-workers positively contribute to the well-being of lecturers. Meanwhile, relationship with superior, performance appraisal, and lack of student engagement contributes negatively to the emotional well-being of lecturers in the workplace.


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psychological well-being, education, working environment, emotions, teaching motivation, mental health

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