Eva Lyn M. Lagrimas, Viola P. Buenaventura


The aim of this study was to determine the mediating effect of a constructivist learning environment on the relationship between school culture and student engagement in technology and livelihood education in Davao del Sur, Philippines. To determine the mediating effect of constructivist learning, correlation design employing mediating analysis was employed in this study. Adapted survey questionnaires were utilized for a sample of 400 students from public schools in Matanao, Bansalan, Magsaysay (MABAMA) District, Davao del Sur. The questionnaires were validated by experts contextualizing to the local setting. Regression and Path Analysis were used to determine the mediating effect of a constructivist learning environment on the relationship between school culture and student engagement of students in TLE. The results showed that the level of constructivist learning environment is high, the level of school culture is high, the level of student engagement is very high, and there were significant relationships between constructivist learning environment and school culture and student engagement. The significant effect showed partial mediation. Thus, the TLE students’ constructivist learning environment partially mediates the relationship between school culture and student engagement.


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education, constructivist learning environment, school culture, student engagement, Philippines

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