Benedicto Y. Mindajao


Social media has been widely accessible to all with the advent of new technology specifically with the emergence of mobile devices. Many researchers are now studying related to the effects of social media on the different walks and aspects of life. This study aims at correlating the effects of addiction to social media on the academic performance of grade 9 and 10 students in science. In doing so, the study identified all social media activities for the school year 2015-2016. The identified respondents constitute 65 % or 139 students of the total enrolment of grade 9 and 10 students. These respondents are made to answer a survey questionnaire and an adapted tool called Bergen Facebook Addition Scale (BFAS) to gather necessary data. Findings revealed that social media addiction alone is insignificantly related to students’ scholastic performance thus, cannot safely attribute the low performance of students in science.


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social media addiction, scholastic performance, academic performance, science, BFAS

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