Atty. Irineo F. Martinez, Jr., Rex Llonora, Leovigildo Lito D. Mallillin


The article promotes recreating Community Relations Program (COMREL) towards Resiliency under “Bayanihan to Heal as One, and Beyond” which focuses on the improved project in the communities, barangays, and private sectors in the implementation of RA 11469 to become a key player in the fight against CONVI 19 and beyond. On the other hand, it encourages individuals to participates in the change process of recreating COMREL in cascading technology community system through corporate managers must undergo conscientization workshops by sharing models of COMREL in communities with cross-cultural backgrounds, community leaders must be called to a meeting with corporate managers and define areas where they can work together, what the managers can do and what they cannot do for the communities, communities and the corporate managers must work together to set and pursue specific targets through creative solutions, develops machinery and processes that decrease costs of recreating COMREL, striking covenants defining roles, solutions providers who manage COMREL recreated “supply chains”, Adoption of Artificial Intelligence (computerization) to speed up interconnectivity among communities, defining innovative socio-political and economic support mechanisms involving the multi-disciplinary groups, establishing a team of independent consultants to monitor and evaluate impact of the recreated COMREL systems, government support for recreated COMREL towards institutionalization of “Bayanihan to Heal as One” notably establishment of structures intended to replicate steps.


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recreational community program, “Bayanihan to Heal as One”, and community relation

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