Fatih Selim Erdamar


This study aims to identify academic studies on the current structure of curriculum development in teacher training undergraduate curriculums of higher education as well as to compile and present them based on certain criteria. In this study, which is based on the survey model, the content analysis method was used for the classification of academic studies. The population consists of academic studies, which were found as a result of the search made with the keyword "teacher training in the higher education curriculum" under the Web of Science and Scopus databases. Each publication was used to represent a unit of analysis, while a secondary data source (Scopus) was used to critically analyze the available literature. The thematic groups of the research were determined and clustered, and then the links between the themes such as the type of research, year, and country of publication were determined through bibliometric methods. The present study was limited to the studies conducted between 1989 and 2022. As a result of the analysis, it was observed that the number of studies in the field of teacher training in the higher education curriculum increased after 2005, studies were mainly conducted in 2017 on a yearly basis, and the USA ranked first in the number of academic studies on this subject. In addition, it was observed that articles were mainly published, curriculum studies and citations were mainly made in the field of educational sciences, and countries speaking the same language had a greater number of studies in the relevant field. From the findings, we can safely say that while curriculum development in higher education is attracting more and more attention, there is a great lack of linkage between ongoing studies. This is the lack of knowledge and the lack of a strong link between studies. In this context, this study pointed to the need for a collaborative and global practice community to improve education and curricula for the future. This study provides opportunities for researchers to gain a versatile and new perspective and have easy access to curricular knowledge.


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