Wafula S. Mabele, Sarah N. Likoko, Obino P. Ongányi


The purpose of this study was to examine the place of strategic leadership in the implementation of teacher professional development (TPD). The study was done through a literature review of two kinds: policy documents and published studies. Published studies were identified using Dimensions and Google search engines and through pearl growing. The search queries targeted studies published between 2013 and 2022 whose titles, abstracts, or keywords contained terms related to teachers’ professional development, strategic implementation and strategic leadership in fields of education, business and management. Studies which lacked these terms were deemed irrelevant and excluded. The findings were based on the review, analysis and synthesis of 33 relevant studies. Consensus across multiple studies was that strategic leadership influences strategy implementation which informed the recommendation of strategic leadership in TPD implementation. Threats to TPD implementation such as potential resistance by teachers, misalignment of goals, cost implications and lack of a clear organization structure were established and areas of further research were recommended.


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strategic leadership, teacher professional development, policy, implementation

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejes.v10i1.4658


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