Nguyen Thi Thu Hang, Do Thi Bich Nguyet, Tran Thi Bich Lien


Vietnam is in the early stages of implementing the reform of the curriculum and textbooks. Vietnam's general education is changing strongly from content-based teaching to competence-building teaching [1]. That change has been implemented by researchers and teachers in all elements of the teaching process, including testing and evaluation. Evaluation of educational outcomes needs to shift from testing memorization to assessing the ability to apply knowledge to solve practical problems, attaching importance to both assessment of learning outcomes and assessment in the learning process. In this situation, testing and assessment in teaching Science in primary schools are also interesting to many teachers, and assessment of scientific competence in teaching this subject is considered an important factor contributing to improving the quality of Science and the quality of subject teaching in the direction of developing students' ability. The article mentions some theoretical foundations and the actual situation of using Rubric in assessing the scientific competence of students in grades 4 and 5 when teachers teach Science, thereby proposing some measures to improve the effectiveness of assessment in teaching this subject.


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rubric, assessment, competence, teaching, primary school students, Science subject, Vietnam

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