The aim of this study is to introduce the determination of the relationship between the athletes’ personality traits and their positive thinking level. The study involved in total 175 athletes, who have participated to the study voluntarily. The Eysenck Personality Survey (Shortened Version) (EKA- GGK) was used. Reliability and validity studies have been made by Karancı and his colleagues and Positive Thinking Scale, of which validity, reliability has been done by Akın, and his friends in 2015 have been used as data collection tool in this study. SPSS 20 Packet Programme has been used for analyzing the collected data. “Kolmogorov-Smirnov” single sample test has been applied to learn whether the data have a normal distribution or not. “Anova-Homogeneity of Variance” Test has been applied to detect the data homogeneity and it has been found out that data have normal and homogeneous distribution. Descriptive Statistic and Persoan Correlation Analysis have been applied for analyzing the data. At the end of the descriptive statistics found that the athletes’ positive thinking score ((16,5569±5,18757), the extroverted personality score (3,2733 ± 1,41454), the neurotic personality score (3,1637 ± 1,75133) and the psychotic personality score, 4588 ± 1.34607). At the end of the correlation analysis, it has been detected that there is a positive way correlation between extroverted and positive thinking.
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