Benedıcto Y. Mındajao


The study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of Project E-PM Mo GradeR Chatbot to improve grade reporting in the new normal. This chatbot was made using Dialogflow, Google sheets, Google API, and Facebook Messenger. The sample was composed of 117 students who agreed to be part of the study. Due to COVID restrictions, activities pertaining to the research were done entirely online. The research instrument used in the study was a 15-item, researcher-made student’s perceived effectiveness of chatbot in grade reporting. The study was conducted in the first and second quarters of the school year 2020-2021 the time the schools were locked down due to the pandemic. The instrument is implemented before and after the use of the chatbot in grade reporting. Data gathered were analyzed using mean, standard deviation, and a t-test with the p-value set at the 0.05 level of significance. Based on the gathered data results of the students’ perceived effectiveness of the chatbot after the utilization of Project E-PM Mo GradeR were significantly higher than the results obtained before the implementation of the project. In conclusion, Project E-PM Mo GradeR Chatbot was effective in improving grade reporting in the new normal. The result of the study opens new ideas and opportunities for improving ways of sending grades.


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chatbot, grade reporting, innovation

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejes.v10i2.4686


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