Management of public secondary schools has always been a serious issue to stakeholders including those in government and the civil society. ‘A school is as good as its Board of Management’. This is what prompted on this study, which sought to critically analyze the impact of political dynamics on management of public secondary schools in Kenya. The main goals were to critically analyze and find out the impact of Political Dynamics and how it influences the criteria used in the selection process, objectives of the ad-hoc nominating committee and the personal attributes of the so nominated members on the management of public secondary schools. The study made use of both qualitative survey methods and critical analysis design The study was able to establish that most Boards of management were either based on clanism, ethnicism, cronyism, nepotism or political and religious inclinations. All these factors had a significant influence on how schools were run and the overall effectiveness of the school boards of management. This study explored new strategies of putting in place an effective school board of management which focuses more on managerial and leadership skills rather than clanism, nepotism, cronyism and other political dynamics. This would enhance efficiency and effectiveness in an effort to realize the school's goals and objectives. The study recommended that prudent measures be put in place to ensure that only people of integrity, excellent management and leadership skills with a commitment to serve the schools’ interests are nominated into the board of management. Those selected into the board be taken through proper induction and continuous capacity building in leadership and management. The study also recommended that the ad – hoc nominating committee be transferred into an oversight board that walks along the board of management and continuously mentors, monitors, trains and evaluates the management board.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejes.v0i0.470
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