Yinusa A. Faremi, Celani S. Mabuza, Kehinde C. Akinwarere


One of the goals of education is to ensure that all learners have access to quality education within a short radius of their immediate environment. This study set to examine how the distance covered to school by the learner have impact on their academic performance in geography subject in Mankayane area of Eswatini. The study adopted a pragmatism paradigm using a triangulation mixed method research design in which qualitative data were generated using semi-structured interview guide that involved 16 participants and tests score of 80 participants. The findings of the study revealed that long distance travelled to school harmed learners’ academic performance in geography as compared to those who stay closer to the school. The hypothesis tested at .05 significance level also revealed that that there was a significant difference between the performance of those who travelled a long distance and those who stay closer to the school. It was concluded that learners travelled long distance to and for schools negatively impact their academic performance in geography. Learners that experienced distance travelled to school should be assist by the government in providing transport facilities.


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distance travelled, long distance, short distance, academic performance, geography subject

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