The teachers of a school and the administrators have the sole responsibility to make sure that all is well within the school environment. The school, been an institution of learning and making future leaders should be favourable and conducive for the learning to take place. Children have a right to be attended to and given their share of the cake. The teachers who are also human beings need to have a good working relationship so that they can meet the objectives set. Sometimes, the teachers’ morale is on the ground, or there are other things that are disturbing their concentration. At this time, one needs a shoulder to lean on, a person who can listen patiently and someone who can step in for him/her in that class where one was supposed to be and the children are jumping up and down like small monkeys. The model of team stages theory by Bruce Tuckman, (1965) which is also known as the origin for successful teambuilding, gave the researcher the insight that it’s one thing to create a team and another to create teamwork. To have a performing team is not a one day process and it takes real hearts to accomplish the task. Teething problems are many but Bruce Tuckman says that with time most of the problems resolve themselves. The key areas discussed included effective communication, effective administration and importance of teambuilding. These aspects are the foundation of a lasting and effective teamwork. The research design-Qualitative methodology was used to critique the effectiveness of a teamwork management in a working relationship in Kenyan primary schools.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejes.v0i0.474
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