The study determined the domain in school heads' leadership character significantly influences head teachers' managerial competence. Using the quantitative-correlational design, 269 teacher-respondents from the elementary and secondary schools in the Samal district division of the Island Garden City of Samal were selected through stratified random sampling to participate in this investigation. Data collection was made through the administration of survey questionnaires to the respondents. Two adapted survey questionnaires were used and subjected to content validity and reliability test: the data analysis used Mean, Pearson Product Moment, and Regression. The results revealed that the level of leadership character of school heads and the managerial competence of head teachers were very high. The indicators: Lack of Blame, Accountability, Courage, and Focus on the Whole, are the domains of leadership character that significantly influence the managerial competence of head teachers. Indeed, school leaders who acquire leadership character and managerial competence can effectively run schools meaningfully and appropriately.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejes.v10i4.4760
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