Lorienel D. Madeloso, Honeylyn M. Mahinay, Sergio, Jr. D. Mahinay, Aileen D. Escote, Reca Mae S. Catulong, Fretzie Sam B. Sagun, Vince Ivan B. Jorillo, Jessa Mae A. Cablay, Shiara K. Masukat, Anwar C. Tagol


The core of this study is the voting behavior of college students in the 2022 elections. It made use of the causal-comparative and correlational research designs to compare the voting behaviors of the respondents in terms of age and sex, and to determine the strength and direction of the relationship between the variable characteristics of the political candidates and the variable political process with respect to their influence on voting behavior. It included as respondents 41 purposively chosen Social Studies students of Notre Dame of Midsayap College. They were 18 to 23 years old, mostly females, and were all registered voters. Data were gathered through an online survey. Findings revealed that having a degree was considered by the respondents as a very important personal characteristic for the presidential and vice-presidential candidates, while being a member of a well-known family was considered by them as unimportant. Being honest and trustworthy was also considered by the respondents as a very important leadership characteristic for the said candidates. Meanwhile, being clear in their priorities is a political process that is very much likely to influence the respondents in choosing their president and vice-president while the giving of money or goods to voters is unlikely to influence them. Similarly, candidates being talked about in their locality is a political process that is likely to influence the respondents in choosing those candidates. The endorsement of candidates by a local leader is a political process that is likely to influence them in choosing those candidates, while endorsement by a church is very unlikely to influence them. Results bared that there is no significant difference on the voting behavior of the respondents with respect to their age and sex. Finally, there is a moderately strong positive relationship between the characteristics of the political candidates and the political process as to their influence on the voting behavior of the respondents, and such a relationship is highly significant.


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voting behavior, leadership characteristics, political machinery

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Copyright (c) 2023 Lorienel D. Madeloso, Honeylyn M. Mahinay, Sergio, Jr. D. Mahinay, Aileen D. Escote, Reca Mae S. Catulong, Fretzie Sam B. Sagun, Vince Ivan B. Jorillo, Jessa Mae A. Cablay, Shiara K. Masukat, Anwar C. Tagol

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