When the term "academy" is mentioned, the first thing that comes to mind is usually a university. In other words, academia is often associated with universities. From an institutional perspective, a university is an autonomous educational institution where professionals who are important for social continuity are trained, and new information is needed for the advancement of civilization and science is produced through scientific research. Additionally, academicians who are respected by society study independently. As an educational institution, the university holds a respected place in society and has undertaken the duties of educating qualified professionals for the needs of society, conducting scientific research that promotes the development of society and the advancement of science, enlightening individuals, and serving society. Academicians have overtaken the responsibility of fulfilling the university's educational, scientific research and community service duties. Academicians fulfil educational, scientific research and community service with their academic identity. Academic identity is a multidimensional and comprehensive concept that involves qualities and features that academicians who conduct their studies based on scientific methods should have. We can define academic identity as “internalization of scientific attitudes and behaviours by academicians, making speeches and explanations based on scientific information, being able to question the events and phenomenon, defending science and open-mindedness against dogmatism, and prejudice”. Based on this definition, the dimensions of academic identity include (i) “internalizing scientific attitudes and behaviours”, (ii) “making discourse based on scientific knowledge”, (iii) “questioning events and facts”, (iv) “defending science against dogmatism”, and (v) “defending open-mindedness against prejudice”.
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