P. O. Iyeke


The study investigated the influence of premarital counselling on spouse abuse among married persons in Delta Central Senatorial District. A correlational research design was adopted, the population comprised all married persons in the senatorial district, estimated to be 248,768. A sample of 384 married persons was selected through simple random and convenience sampling techniques. A questionnaire was used to obtain data for the study. The questionnaire was validated through experts’ judgement and factor analysis. The reliability coefficient obtained includes 0.83 and 0.79 for Pre-Marital Counselling Rating Scale and Spouse Abuse Rating Scale respectively. The mean, standard deviation and Pearson’s coefficient of determination were used to answer the research questions and while regression and Fisher-z statistics were used to test the hypotheses at a 0.05 level of significance. The findings of the study revealed that married persons who participated in pre-marital counselling in Delta Central Senatorial District experienced a low level of spousal abuse; that married persons who did not participate in pre-marital counselling in Delta Central Senatorial District experienced a high level of spousal abuse; that there is a significant relationship between premarital counselling and spousal abuse among married persons in Delta Central Senatorial District; that there is no significant moderating impact of gender in the relationship between premarital counselling and spousal abuse among married persons in Delta Central Senatorial District; and that there is no significant moderating impact of duration of marriage in the relationship between premarital counselling and spousal abuse among married persons in Delta Central Senatorial District. The study recommended amongst others that intending couples are enjoined to as a matter of necessity, engage in pre-marital counselling so as to be educated on what to expect in marriage and how to deal with those issues that will eventually arise during the marriage.


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pre-marital counselling; spousal abuse; married persons; working class

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