Li-Wei Wei, Napawan Jaisook, Fei Zhao, Manhua Li, Chaoqiao Yang, Lu Zhang


In this mixed-method investigation, the researchers delved into the intricate dynamics underlying Chinese postgraduates' procrastination behavior, academic engagement, and self-confidence, unveiling a multifaceted interplay among these factors. Quantitative findings revealed an intermediate-high level of procrastination, particularly in relation to writing assignments, exam preparations, and weekly reading tasks, while attendance tasks and general school activities elicited lower procrastination levels. Further analysis elucidated a substantial negative correlation between procrastination behaviors and both academic engagement and self-confidence, indicating the pernicious influence of this pervasive phenomenon on students' academic experiences. Qualitative insights garnered through thematic analysis explicated the complex reasons behind procrastination, including being overwhelmed by intricate tasks, lack of genuine interest, competitive milieu, insecurities, distractions, cultural and familial pressures, and struggles with time management, prioritization, and perfectionism. Furthermore, inadequate mentorship and anxiety surrounding future career prospects emerged as significant contributors to procrastination. Evidently, this detrimental factor not only impeded postgraduates' academic immersion but also eroded their self-confidence, exacerbating the detrimental repercussions on their scholarly performance. Thus, the findings underscore the imperative for targeted interventions, encompassing mentorship, time management skills, and emotional support, to mitigate the deleterious effects of procrastination on Chinese postgraduates' academic engagement and self-confidence.


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academic engagement, Chinese postgraduates, procrastination behavior, self-confidence, academic pursuits

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejes.v10i6.4819


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Copyright (c) 2023 Li-Wei Wei, Napawan Jaisook, Fei Zhao, Manhua Li, Chaoqiao Yang, Lu Zhang

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