Luna Vivienne L. Diomampo, Lyndon A. Quines


The purpose of this study was to find out the lived experiences, coping mechanisms, insights, hopes, and aspirations of junior and senior high school teachers with multiple ancillary services during the pandemic. The researcher conducted in-depth interviews among eight informants and a focus group discussion among nine participants of the GSCNSSAT, using the qualitative phenomenological method. Analysis of the transcriptions generated 26 essential themes and 98 core ideas, which include long-time dream, wise awareness, influenced by the parents, positive expectations, felt ultimate satisfaction and happiness, flexible with the work, overwhelming responsibilities, adaptability, overcoming difficulties, embracing adjustment, other tasks interfere with the main work, building a connection with colleagues, spending quality time with family, adjusting to new normal, reaching out to the students, identifying and accepting physical challenges, identifying and accepting mental and emotional challenges, having leisure time, keeping the positivity, keep being motivated, having a positive mindset would radiate to colleagues, manage the tasks well, support system like colleagues and superiors is important, family support matters, strive hard for a better future, continue the love for education. The results and discussion of this study implied that teachers are resilient and innovative in the face of adversity, being optimistic and dedicated as they are, but their superiors should take into account that they would do well to have the support and appreciation of their family and colleagues, taking in achievable and realistic demands made of them.


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educational management, junior and senior high school teachers, lived experiences, multiple ancillary services, phenomenology, Philippines

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